Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Python and NETCONF to manage HP Comware 7

Enterprise networking is evolving and much of it is heading toward automation. One thing I have been coming across regularly is the utilization of API and scripts to assist in building networks. One of the vendors, HP, in Comware 7 allows users to manage their platform utilizing NETCONF protocol.

There is a fair amount of documentation on HP NETCONF; but here is a basic example of how to read a hostname and then modify it utilizing Python and NETCONF


NETCONF servers needs to enable on the HP switch and can be done with the following command:


netconf ssh server enable 


port 830 is the default port it will communicate through.


Once this is enabled (and a user account), you can read and write to the device


The module used in Python 2.7 is called ncclient and can be installed via PIP install. Here is my output from the interactive shell:



from ncclient import manager


Define the XML path of the information you need to obtain


filterget = '<top xmlns="http://www.hp.com/netconf/data:1.0"><Device><Base><HostName></HostName></Base></Device></top>'


Build the connection to the device with the data


sodarocks = manager.connect(host='',port=830,username='admin',password='admin',hostkey_verify=False,allow_agent=False,look_for_keys=False, device_params={'name':'hpcomware'})


>>> sodarocks.get(('subtree', filterget))


The return value will be string in XML format


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rpc-reply xmlns:config="http://www.hp.com/netconf/config:1.0" xmlns:data="http://www.hp.com/netconf/data:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:4486954e-2142-4896-a977-b66a294f4fec"><data><top xmlns="http://www.hp.com/netconf/data:1.0"><Device><Base><HostName>sodas5900</HostName></Base></Device></top></data></rpc-reply>


This return value can help you determine the path you need to modify to correct the XML string, in my case, I am looking to change the hostname


I will create a new filter with the modifications I want to the hostname:


filterchange = '<config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"><top xmlns="http://www.hp.com/netconf/config:1.0"><Device><Base><HostName>notsodas5900</HostName></Base></Device></top></config>'


Then execute the modification using the new filter and the type of operation performed:


sodarocks.edit_config(target='running', config=filterchange, default_operation='replace')


You should get an rpc ok


>>> sodarocks.edit_config(target='running', config=filterchange, default_operation='replace')


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rpc-reply xmlns:config="http://www.hp.com/netconf/config:1.0" xmlns:data="http://www.hp.com/netconf/data:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:03b4f996-d025-4aa7-be5e-782d0a4ffed3"><ok/></rpc-reply>


Some additional resources you can look at the is the API documentation that comes with each release of Comware from HP support site and the ncclient reference on github.


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