Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Setting up Windows Server 2008 R2 RADIUS authentication with Juniper SRX

Under Windows Network Policy Server (NPS)

Create a shared secret template, name it SRXpassword or something and make a password.

Create a new network policy and name it, leave the network access server unspecified


Click next and select the Windows Group and select the group(s) you want to access the device.

Click next and select access granted

For the type of encryption, click add, select MS-CHAPv2

Do not change anything under the constraint page and click next.

Remove everything from the Standard RADIUS attributes and select the vendor specific type. Click add and select vendor specific

Enter the Juniper vendor code 2636 and click yes it conforms

Put in the vendor-assigned attribute number 1 and select string as the attribute format and type in su


Click OK to close it and back to the menu select the encryption type. Uncheck everything except strongest encryption and click next and finished.


Create the new RADIUS client and populate the information of your firewall. Select the share secret template you create earlier.


On the Juniper SRX Firewall


Type in the following and fill in your server IP and password.

set system authentication-order [ password radius ]

set system radius-server secret WhatEverPasswordYouMade

set system radius-options password-protocol mschap-v2

set system login user su class super-user



Monday, September 5, 2016

Remotly Downloading Torrents

Lets say you only have ssh connections to your server, and you wanted to download torrents.

Things you will need:

Remote system:

putty or SecureCRT


Linux commands installed:



1. Download your torrent file.

2. Use sftp to send the file to your BitTorrent file folder.

3. Login to your system

4. Startup screen by typing


  This will start a terminal run man screen for more information

5. start torrent client

$transmission-cli Example.of.Torrent.file.torrent -w /location/to/save/file

6. Detach from screen session to log off.

hold Ctrl+a  then hit the d key to detach.
This will output a session id <id>.fqdn

7. When you login later

$screen -ls

8. Connect to screen
$screen -r 111111

Linux job commands:
Ctrl+z will put the job(process) on pause
Will put the job in the background
will put the job in the foreground
Ctrl+c will quit the program.

10. After checking the status you can Ctrl+c to end the torrent or Ctrl+a d to detach from screen.

11. To start another screen just type in
Detach (Ctrl+a d)
$screen -ls
$screen -r <id#>

Please revise for transmission-remote if possible

Friday, September 2, 2016

Virtual firewalls in OpenStack not routing packets properly

So I ran into an issue after loading up a vSRX and virtual F5 Big IP in OpenStack. I setup the virtual appliances as the gateway for my other instances but their packets were not traversing across the other networks if they were routed by my vSRX or vBigIP.

To eliminate all other factors, I went ahead and enable ping on the all interfaces and moved them all into the trusted zone of the SRX. Then I attempted to pings the other interfaces of the firewall that were in the other subnets. They all failed, but the SRX showed that it received the packets and sent the replies. I experience the same thing on the virtual instance of Big IP. That lead me to believe it was failing on the virtual switch in Openstack.


It seems port security is enable by default and needs to be disabled in neutron. To do this, perform the following.

Delete any virtual objects that you have created that will need packets routed across your virtual firewall and remove any security groups you have applied to the instance.

Modify the file in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

Right below [ml2] – you will need to add extension_drivers = port_security

# An ordered list of extension driver entrypoints to be loaded from the

# neutron.ml2.extension_drivers namespace. For example: extension_drivers =

# port_security,qos (list value)

extension_drivers = port_security

After this is completed, restart neutron

systemctl restart neutron-server


Start creating the new tenant networks and attaching the interfaces to your virtual firewall and other instances. Find out what port ID they have been assigned, this will be easy to locate using the GUI



Once you get the port ID execute the following to turn off port security

neutron port-update  2bf6b77b-627e-4fd0-8cd9-69dc0b27d65e --port-security-enabled=False


You can check to see if it too with the following command

neutron port-show 1ee02bbe-4f87-4cb4-91e0-ced0ef691e1c


Once completed on all interfaces required, that should resolve the routing issue.


Disabling port security will prevent you from using security groups. Firewalls don't really need security groups enabled but if you want more restriction you can use allowed address pairs instead.


neutron port-update 'Port UUID' --allowed_address_pairs list=true type=dict ip_address='ip or CIDR'


Apply this on all ports that will be use to route traffic.